Martha And Snoop Clips

A Super-Strong Nightcap

Martha challenges Wendi McLendon-Covey, Steve Aoki and Snoop to take a sip of grappa -- a powerful Italian brandy -- without making a crazy face.

Martha and Steve Aoki Share a Giant Noodle

Steve Aoki talks about his days as an aspiring chef, and Martha invites him to share an extra-long noodle a la "Lady and the Tramp."

Snoop Tries Caviar

Craig Robinson considers the health benefits of caviar, and Snoop breaks it to Martha that he doesn't want to acquire a taste for the delicacy.

Snoop and Craig Robinson – “Take Yo Panties Off”

Snoop joins Craig Robinson to romance the audience with a performance of "Take Yo Panties Off."

Snoop and Craig Robinson Perform

Snoop joins comedian Craig Robinson to perform a steamy rendition of "Take Yo Panties Off."

Snoop Tries a New Fruit & Martha Struggles with Her Noodles

Snoop describes what a lychee tastes like, and Martha talks about the strange way she had to slurp up noodles in China.