Ex Isle is a groundbreaking new series, where five on-again; off-again couples endure intensive therapy in order to break free of their toxic relationships forever. Secluded on a remote island, the couples are joined by show host Carmen Electra and guided on a multi-step process for getting over their ex, led by relationship therapist Dr. Ish Major.

In an unexpected twist, the arrival of 10 eligible singles gives the exes a fresh chance at love, and others a dose of heartache.



Carmen Electra

Dr. Ish Major


Who Will You Leave With?

After a heated fight, Sean and Samantha must deal with their trust issues.

Breaking Down the Walls

John finds breaking down his walls, literally, is a good form of therapy for releasing his anger.

Is Everyone Taking Crazy Pills?

In a mental breakdown Lucas accuses everyone of taking 'crazy pills' and breaks it off with Dublin girl.

Will Matt Eat the Booty Like Groceries?

During a first date with Nicole, Matt realizes she's definitely not the girl for him.

Naked Tip Toe

Antonio questions what happened between a naked Ashley and a tip toeing John while he was sleeping.

Love Connections Takes the Limelight

Everyone wears their heart on their sleeves for a romantic date night that leads to multiple love connections. Cheers to that!
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