Martha And Snoop Clips

Gary Owen Has “The Talk” With His Kids

Gary Owen tells Martha, Snoop and Laverne Cox about the creative way he taught his kids about the birds and the bees.

Martha’s Voodoo Doll Collection

While preparing a pot of gumbo, Martha and Snoop discuss their experiences being on the giving and receiving ends of voodoo curses respectively.

The Usain Bolt of Oyster Shucking

Patrick McMurray, the world's fastest oyster shucker, demonstrates his skills for Snoop, Martha, Wanda Sykes and Lance Bass.

Snoop Doesn’t Need Oysters for His Testosterone

Martha, Wanda Sykes and Lance Bass get a lesson in proper oyster shucking from Patrick McMurray, but Snoop isn't interested in enjoying the end result.

Rodrick Dixon’s Operatic Intro

Snoop is impressed by Rodrick Dixon's powerful tenor voice, and Martha challenges Snoop to match Dixon's vocal stylings.

Martha and Snoop on Visiting Italy

Martha reveals her favorite part of Italy, and Snoop talks about the time his cash was confiscated at an Italian airport.