This Entrepreneur Mines for Liquid Gold in Your Backyard Blue Collar Millionaires January 30, 2017 Laura talks about working in the oil and gas industry and explains what sets her business, Ilios Resources, apart from other oil companies. RELATEDMORE FROM AUTHOR The Rock Bottom Moment that led to a Multi-Million Fortune Living It Up in a $1.5 Million Bachelor Pad Making Every Kid’s Dream a Reality Fake It Till You Make It Meet Charlie Ferer It’s Never Too Late To Start Your Own Business #BlueCollarMillionaires The Rock Bottom Moment that led to a Multi-Million Fortune February 22, 2017 Living It Up in a $1.5 Million Bachelor Pad February 22, 2017 Making Every Kid’s Dream a Reality February 22, 2017 Fake It Till You Make It February 22, 2017 Meet Charlie Ferer February 22, 2017